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Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever

2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever  Empty Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever

مُساهمة من طرف S O 1 7 الجمعة فبراير 20, 2015 8:13 am

Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever  S34UR1TUywGAYfYhAAEHl4x_DIw43Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever  S34UR1TUywGADFPpAAE4VnrRTDY45
Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever  S34UR1TUywGAIlCaAAEy_8Z_Uuc34Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever  S34UR1TUywGAB_E2AAFvJnoOgGU52
Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever  S34UR1TUywGAG06bAAE_OLX8r7c26Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever  S34UR1TUywKAR5DDAAEjhk5yo_s60
Solo Launcher is the No.1 launcher on Google Play, Trusted by over 50 Million Users Worldwide. It is the Fastest, the Cleanest and the first Material Designed Android Launcher in the world.

What Can Solo Launcher Do For You? 

Solo Launcher is perfect for you if your device has become slow, cluttered, disorganised or just plain boring. This FREE application will fix all of your Android performance problems! Solo Launcher can clean your system, save RAM, make your phone run super-fast, effortlessly browse local and online content, and decorate your device with thousands of themes and hundreds of customizable settings.

☆No.1 App on the Google Play Personalisation Worldwide Chart, the No.1 Launcher on Google Play!

☆Over 50 Million Users, The Highest Rated Among the Top 3 Most Downloaded Launchers, The Best Choice For Your Android Devices.

☆Integrated Solo 2.0 Trash Cleaner and Speed Booster Optimise your System’s Performance and Reduce Lag.

☆All New Material Designed 2.0 User Interface, Simple and Beautiful.

★Highlights of Solo Launcher★–FREE App Manager & Phone Booster


Swift and easy search for local and online content.


Clear your system’s trash files, free up space and boost performance with the press of a button.


Assign functions to swipes, taps and screen pinches. Hold and operate large-screen devices with one hand.


5000+ free, downloadable themes and icons to customise your phone, with more added regularly.


Automatically pastesicons to your Homescreen by calculating your preferences.


Other launchers may lock their premium content behind paywalls or ads, but Solo Launcher delivers the complete package, absolutely free!

★Features of Solo Launcher★- Clean & Clever

Intelligent Local and Web Search

- Solo Search delivers you both local and web content. You need only input a keyword or give a voice command. Smart recommendation with Cloud Relevance Computing (CRC) recommends the best apps for you!

Solo Market

- Over 300 personalization settings and more than 5000 themes to choose from, have your device how you want it!

Visualized Setting

- “What you see is what you set”

- Clear and intuitive settings interface. You can preview the settings and make your decisions quickly and easily.

Smart Homescreen Icon Management

- Automatically places your frequently used app icons on the Homescreen. Find what you need without delay!

Custom Drawer Groups

- Organize apps into tabs and folders in the app drawer for a smarter, smoother experience.

Nine Simple and Efficient Gestures

- Assign your own shortcut commands to swiping, tapping, and pinching your screen.

Unread Message Count

- SMS, emails and call notifications.

Smart Widgets

- Customized animated clock/weather widget, One-click Cleaning widget, Solo Smart Search widget, and more!

Customizable Toolbar

- Set frequently-used apps in the toolbar and quickly access them from the notification centre.

“OK, Google” Hotword Search Now Live! 

- Enjoy voice search right from the Homescreen or any app drawer, without touching the keyboard.

★What are People Saying About Solo Launcher?★

► "Solo Launcher stands out by having the same features as other smart launchers while still being free, and adding some sweet gesture controls.”—Lifehacker

► "Solo Launcher is an Android tinkerer's dream come true." —Techrepublc

For any suggestions, feedback or theme requests,

please go to our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/sololauncher

or email us at: solo.launcher.dev@gmail.com

Official Website: http://www.NewBorn-Town.com

Want more from Solo Launcher? Get more free themes: right here

S O 1 7
S O 1 7
الاداره العامه
الاداره العامه

عدد المساهمات : 302
نـقاط حنكشيه ~ : 4118
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/02/2015


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever  Empty رد: Solo Launcher - Clean & Clever

مُساهمة من طرف mc nabulsy الجمعة فبراير 20, 2015 9:09 am

>:\▐♥ *.....*~ شكــ ♥ ــراً~*....*▐:\<
mc nabulsy
mc nabulsy
عضو مشارك
عضو مشارك

عدد المساهمات : 216
نـقاط حنكشيه ~ : 3814
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/02/2015
العمر : 26
الموقع : http://global.ibda3.info/


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